Here at The Villages Charter Middle School (VCMS) we strive to be proactive in addressing students’ and parents’ questions and concerns. If you need to speak with your child’s school counselor during the year, please feel free to email the appropriate staff member indicated below or contact the front office.
Parent/Teacher conferences are held before school begins at 7:15AM on Mondays, Tuesdays or Thursdays. If you would like to schedule a parent/teacher conference, please contact the appropriate staff member below.
Florida’s Parent Support Helpline – Provides confidential counseling and referral to parents who are stressed. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 800-FLA-LOVE
Abuse Registry – Florida hotline determines if the information presented complies with the mandates in law and assists all callers with information and referral to enhance the safety and well-being of children and vulnerable adults. Available 24 hours, 7 days a week. 800-96-ABUSE
Child Help USA – Offers crisis intervention, information and referrals. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 800-4-A-CHILD
Parents Without Partners – Provides single parents and their children with an opportunity for enhancing personal growth, self-confidence, and sensitivity towards others by offering real help in the way of discussions, professional speakers, study groups, publications, and social activities for families and adults. Available 8:30am to 5pm, Monday through Friday. 800-637-7374
AARP Foundation Grandparent Information Center – A resource for grandparents raising grandchildren, professionals, support groups, researchers and policy makers. 800-OUR-AARP
Big Brothers/Big Sisters of America – Volunteers support families under stress and single parents by working with children in need of additional attention and friendship. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 888-412-BIGS
CHADD – A national non-profit organization providing education, advocacy and support for individuals with ADD/ADHD. Automated phone service. 800-233-4050
Family Network on Disabilities – Provides family-driven support, education, information, and advocacy. Available 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday. 800-825-5736
Center for Autism and Related Disabilities (CARD) – University of Central Florida Branch- Provides individualized, direct consultative assistance to individuals with autism and related disabilities in Central Florida and their families. The Center is funded by the Florida Legislature through the Florida Department of Education and all services are provided free of charge. 800-9-AUTISM
MyACCESS – Website and toll-free number to apply for food stamps, Medicaid, and temporary cash assistance. 850-300-4323
Crisis Text Line – Text HOME to 74171
TeenLine – Text TEEN to 839863
National Suicide Prevention – 800-273-8255
Nation Suicide Hotline – 800-784-2433
988 – The 988 Lifeline provides 24/7, confidential support to people in suicidal crisis or mental health-related distress. By calling or texting 988, you’ll connect to mental health professionals with the Lifeline network.
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Accesibilidad del sitio web: The Villages Charter School (TVCS) se compromete a garantizar que su sitio web sea accesible para todos, independientemente de sus capacidades. La tecnología de asistencia puede iniciarse tocando el icono de la persona en la esquina inferior de la pantalla y puede ajustarse para adaptarse a una variedad de necesidades. Si sigue teniendo dificultades para acceder a la información de este sitio, póngase en contacto con para acceder a contenidos o funcionalidades en línea inaccesibles. Para presentar una queja formal en virtud de la Sección 504 y el Título II, póngase en contacto con la Oficina Central de The Villages Charter School en 352-259-2350.
Declaración de no discriminación: The Villages Charter School Inc. (TVCS) is dedicated to fostering an inclusive and equitable environment for everyone. We prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, gender, genetic information, age, pregnancy, disability, or marital status in all our educational programs, services, and activities, as well as in our hiring and employment practices. We also ensure equal access to our facilities for the Boy Scouts and other patriotic youth groups, in accordance with the Boy Scouts of America Equal Access Act and Title 36 of the United States Code. If you are an employee, student, parent, or applicant who believes they have experienced discrimination in employment or any educational program or activity, please reach out to: Dr. Randy McDaniel, Director of Education at o 352-259-2350.
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Todos los campus permanecerán cerrados el 9 y 10 de octubre debido al huracán. Las clases se reanudarán el 11 de octubre.