12:00 - 3:00PM
Main Street, The Villages
Savor the flavor! The BBQ Bash is an annual fundraising event benefiting The Villages Charter School (VCS) and Buffalo HERD, the school’s parent organization. In 2025, they’ll celebrate the 22nd annual BBQ Bash which feeds and entertains thousands of local barbeque lovers.
Enjoy a day of good food and good music for a great cause! This event is open to the whole community and tasting wristbands are available on the day of the event for $10.
VCS Business Partners (tenants, vendors and contractors) can form teams to bring the heat and compete for the best barbeque. Teams can smoke their meat on site starting at midnight so they are ready to roll when the community arrives. BBQ made by The Villages High School’s Culinary Arts Academy is also available to sample.
Judges and attendees award prizes to the top teams at the end of this event. Honors are given to the top three winners in each meat category (beef, poultry and pork), as well as winners for the People’s Choice Award for Best BBQ and the Golden Buffalo Award, for the best overall BBQ.
Based on feedback from attendees, we have added a BBQ Side option for participants. For those who are unable to take on all that goes with being a BBQ meat participant, you can now sign up to provide and serve a BBQ side dish (ex: Baked Beans, Mac N Cheese, Potato Salad, Corn, etc.).
These sponsorships include a booth at BBQ Bash, plus your company will receive logo recognition on marketing materials, additional wristbands to the event and more. Explore the sponsorship levels below:
A: BBQ Bash is open to the public for free. To sample the BBQ, you must purchase a wristband for $10 at the ticket tents.
A: Booths are $150.
A: Participants that have booths at the event MUST BE VCS Business Partners (tenants, vendors, contractors). If you have any questions about eligibility, please email: VCSBuffaloHerd@gmail.com.
A: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in Beef, Poultry, and Pork, People’s Choice (Best BBQ), and the Golden Buffalo (Best Overall)
A: “BBQ” is defined as beef, pork or poultry roasted on a rack, spit or rotisserie over a source of portable heat.
A: Sauce can be pre-mixed, however all meat must be cooked on-site on the day of the event.
A: Each team must serve a minimum of 150 lbs. of competition cooked meat per category.
A: Each team must assemble and begin cooking no earlier than 12AM on March 1st. Meat must be ready to serve that day by 12PM.
A: Sources of heat will include: grills, wood, or propane; full contained, no power sources will be provided.
A: A fire extinguisher, a mat that fits under the cooking area and is at least 2’ beyond the grill and generator, coolers for meat storage, trash can with liners, and if a tent is on-site, it must have 30lb weights on each corner.
A: Booth placement is shared prior to the event.
A: Yes. A certificate of insurance listing The Villages Operating Company as additional insured must be submitted prior to the event.
Together, we’re Helping Educate Responsibly Developed children. To learn more about HERD, contact us at vcsbuffaloherd@gmail.com.
Buffalo HERD is identified as a public charity and charitable organization. The Buffalo HERD Federal EIN is 93-2666139. See our Buffalo HERD Bylaws.
Success begins here.
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Non-Discrimination Statement: The Villages Charter School Inc. (TVCS) is dedicated to fostering an inclusive and equitable environment for everyone. We prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, gender, genetic information, age, pregnancy, disability, or marital status in all our educational programs, services, and activities, as well as in our hiring and employment practices. We also ensure equal access to our facilities for the Boy Scouts and other patriotic youth groups, in accordance with the Boy Scouts of America Equal Access Act and Title 36 of the United States Code. If you are an employee, student, parent, or applicant who believes they have experienced discrimination in employment or any educational program or activity, please reach out to: Dr. Randy McDaniel, Director of Education at randy.mcdaniel@tvcs.org or 352-259-2350.
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All campuses will be closed October 9th & 10th due to the hurricane. Classes will resume October 11th.